DEFENDER means protector. In football sport, it means the defensive players. The brand name of SUN YUAN’s machine protection system was originated from “The best defense with the most effective protection.” The company’s logo is a simple square graphics in combination with equal sloping sides, that exhibits in-depth meaning of the company’s identification system. The logo also represents the bellows cover produced when the company was established.

Glory Moments

  • 金峰獎 - 傑出企業
  • 金峰獎 -傑出創新研發
  • 國家品牌玉山獎 -最佳人氣品牌
  • 國家品牌玉山獎 -最佳產品
  • 金炬獎 -績優企業
  • 金鉅獎 -績優商品
  • 台灣金玉獎 - 評審推薦特優獎
  • 台灣優良商標獎 - 創意設計